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April 2020
4/5/20 - The Last Week Sermon Series - ThursdayRev. Zachary Hopple
00:00 / 17:03
4/10/20 - The Last Week Sermon Series - Good FridayRev. Zachary Hopple
00:00 / 13:53
4/19/20 - "Rejoice!"Rev. Zachary Hopple
00:00 / 15:22
4/26/20 - "On The Road With Jesus"Rev. Zachary Hopple
00:00 / 13:24
4/12/20 - The Last Week Sermon Series - Easter SundayRev. Zachary Hopple
00:00 / 12:14
March 2020
3/1/20 - The Last Week Sermon Series - "Palm Sunday"Rev. Zachary Hopple
00:00 / 15:24
3/8/20 - The Last Week Sermon Series - "Monday"Rev. Zachary Hopple
00:00 / 19:21
3/22/20 - The Last Week Sermon Series: Tuesday Pt 2Rev. Zachary Hopple
00:00 / 14:03
3/29/20 - The Lat Week Sermon Series: WednesdayRev. Zachary Hopple
00:00 / 14:28
3/15/20 - The Last Week Sermon Series - Tuesday Part 1Rev. Zachary Hopple
00:00 / 19:15
February 2020
2/2/20 - "The Power of Prayer"Rev. Zachary Hopple
00:00 / 18:30
2/16/20 - "Choices and Consequences"Rev. Zachary Hopple
00:00 / 14:52
2/23/20 - "The Transfiguration of Christ"Rev. Zachary Hopple
00:00 / 19:41
2/26/20 - Ash WednesdayRev. Zachary Hopple
00:00 / 11:50
January 2020
1/12/20 - "Who Are You?"Rev. Zachary Hopple
00:00 / 19:47
1/26/20 - "Building A Brigher Future"Rev. Zachary Hopple
00:00 / 14:59
1/19/20 - "Which Way?"Rev. Zachary Hopple
00:00 / 17:55
Advent 2019
12/8/19 - "Setting the Stage"Rev. Zachary Hopple
00:00 / 13:01
12/15/19 - "Were You Raised In A Barn?"Rev. Zavhary Hopple
00:00 / 12:26
12/22/19 - "The First Family"Rev. Zachary Hopple
00:00 / 14:59
12/24/19 - 2pm - "With Arms Wide Open"Rev. Zachary Hopple
00:00 / 13:10
12/24/19 - 7pm - "With Arms Wide Open"Rev. Zachary Hopple
00:00 / 13:30
1/5/20 - "We Three Kings"Rev. Zachary Hopple
00:00 / 13:14
November 2019
11/3/19 - "I Have Decided"Rev. Zachary Hopple
00:00 / 16:52
11/10/19 - "Laundering Your Soul"Rev. Zachary Hopple
00:00 / 17:12
11/17/19 - "A Clean Slate"Rev. Zachary Hopple
00:00 / 15:47
Guest Speaker 11/24/19
(No recorded sermon)
October 2019
10/6/19 - "One Bread, One Body"Rev. Zachary Hopple
00:00 / 16:42
10/13/19 - "The Justice League"Rev. Zachary Hopple
00:00 / 15:13
10/20/19 - "Come On In"Rev. Zachary Hopple
00:00 / 14:07
10/27/19 - "A Two-Edged Sword"Rev. Zachary Hopple
00:00 / 15:58
September 2019
9/1/19 "A Broken Body".mp3Rev. Zachary Hopple
00:00 / 18:08
9/8/19 "With All Your Heart"Rev. Zachary Hopple
00:00 / 16:44
9/22/19 "With All Your Strength"Rev. Zachary Hopple
00:00 / 17:45
9/29/19 "With All Your Mind"Rev. Zachary Hopple
00:00 / 16:30
9/15/19 "With All Your Soul"Rev. Zachary Hopple
00:00 / 19:49
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