Jesus loves you and so do we!
Announcement from the Church
Our Church Service is held every Sunday at 10:30am. The service will be live-streamed on Facebook and will be available later online.
Announcement from the SPRC Committee
The Staff Parish Relations Committee of First United Methodist Church, Shamokin, Pa. is happy to announce the appointment of Rev. Alicia Juliã-Stanley as our new pastor effective July 1, 2020. Pastor Alicia and her family will be moving into our parsonage at the end of June . Bishop Peggy Johnson and her Cabinet are committed to our ministry, especially to the community, by appointing Pastor Alicia. She states her mission statement is to be a “bridge builder” and she specializes in extending the church outside of the church building into the community. We look forward to this next chapter and new leadership in the life of our church.
First UMC is a church focused on sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the Bible as the Word of God. We are a church that welcomes all people, regardless of age, ethnicity, or gender. We are a safe place for people to come, worship and spend time together. We love this community and are striving to make it a better and more beautiful place to live each day. Join us as we travel through life, loving God and one another.
Our Mission
To be in ministry in the name of Jesus Christ to our community and our world.
About Us
Find out about our staff, ministries and volunteer opportunities.
Worship services are held in the Sanctuary. Sunday School is available for children and adults in the various Sunday School rooms.
Sunday School begins at 9:15 AM.
Sunday Worship begins at 10:30 AM.
Monday night Bible Study in the Parlor beginning at 6:00 PM.
Methodist United Youth Group in the Youth Room meets on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM.
Any additional services will be announced and posted on our website.
Upcoming Sermons
7/19- Returning to Church following social distancing guidelines. Service will also be live streamed and recorded.
*Sermons are recorded. Please subscribe to receive them emailed to you weekly.