Worship Services
First Church offers a wide array of opportunities for worship, spiritual growth, and fellowship. Below are a few weekly activities.

Our Sunday morning worship service begins at 10:30 AM and focuses on the message of God's love. We share together in prayer, scripture readings, singing hymns, and enjoying special music. We have an honest heart for God, and try to share His love through our actions every day. Our worship is meant to help equip us to carry out our mission of sharing God's love with our world in every way possible.
Sunday School
Every Sunday we have a time dedicated to diving deeper into our Christian Spirituality. There are currently 2 different Sunday School classes geared towards elementary children and adults. Sunday School begins at 9:15 AM.
Bible Study
Monday night Bible study meets every week in the church Parlor (enter through the 9th Street entrance). It begins at 6 PM and generally lasts an hour. We purposefully look at God's Word one chapter at a time. It is a time where we can discuss what we find in the scripture and how it applies to our lives today.